Pandemic 'Silver Linings': Emerging Insights & Themes to Act On

Toronto Region Webinar

Tuesday, August 10, 2021
8:00 Am TO 9:30 Am 


Six months into pandemic research told us what was new and needed an agile response.  A full year later we can see what changes are likely to stay, what ‘morphed’ again in subsequent waves, and what are emerging as important behaviours and strategies moving forward.  Examples include importance of emotional intelligence; communication strategies which are ongoing, two-way and pragmatic.  

This session will be run as a fully interactive event where participants are able to discuss, share, and problem solve, based on thought-provoking insights from the research highlights, Ross Roxburgh, Certified Management Consultant & Master Corporate Executive Coach, will share with us.  In addition, we will facilitate a virtual learning experience, using a new collaboration tool, to share others’ ideas for an immediate takeaway. The research paper will be shared with attendees, post-event.


Ross Roxburgh

Ross is a leadership coach and organization consultant with several decades of experience with a wide range of clients from those in the ‘C suite’ to those who are critical to achieving organization priorities.  Clients are both domestic and international across the private, public, and para-public sectors.

He has a strong interest in the effectiveness of individuals, teams, and the leaders in complex organizational environments; in many cases he brings both coaching and co-creation of solutions to organization-wide, and specific team/leader challenges.

Ross is a Facilitator with Queen’s IRC on a range of programs related to Board Effectiveness, Team Performance, Committee Development and Performance Management.  The research he brings to us is from this collaboration with the Industrial Relations Centre at Queens. 

Prior to establishing his own business in 2000, Ross spent more than two decades with Deloitte.


Members of the Strategic Capability Network may attend this event at no cost, we just ask that you register.

Non-Members and Member Guests are charged a fee of $75.00 + HST per registration. Should the non-member or guest subsequently decide to join, the non-member registration fee can be deducted from the membership dues.